Is Corona a necessary evil sent educate people ?

Although it can be rightly assessed that corona has given people given necessary lessons in sanitation  and hygiene , still the virus has left so many dead in its wake and this can be said that it has been a pretty expensive lesson , One the human race would not be able to forget for many centuries to come . If we go on to investigate how this virus was able to spread so quickly and without stoppage , we will find a very fundamental concept missing amongst people all over the world which is to always wash hands before and after ingesting food and keeping their homes clean and disinfected . 

Moreover , the importance of Chlorine Tablets has been understood all over the world as the medicine that is not at all expensive, or hard to find , nor does it have any side-effects that will inculcate fear in people . Just like Bleaching Powder , Chlorine Tablets have also the power to destroy the impurities by being the key ingredient in Drinking Water Purification Tablets  like the minute viruses and bacteria that are not only invisible to the naked eye , but some some of them are even hard to spot under the highly magnifying power of a microscope . Many Chlorine Tablet Suppliers  all over the world are not only doing business by selling these tablets , but they are also providing a very important service to the society by selling a product that does a great deal of effort and goes a long way in protecting people and safeguarding their system from harmful diseases and bacteria . 

Water Purification Tablets are quite different from any other tablet in the way that it stops the pathogen from ever infecting the host and in this way it also stops the spread of disease and puts an end to the long and never -ending medical bills  . Chlorine Tablets as well as Bleaching Powder have a very small cost but if properly implemented in our everyday life like in the treatment of drinking water would save us bags of cash not to mention that it will boost our immune system and hence we as a species would have a better boosted immune system to fight any other health related problem that could have a potential impact on our body , mind , wallet and overall in our life . Drinking Water Purification tablets are easily available in many sizes and packing depending on the Chlorine Tablet Suppliers and these simple Water Purification Tablets may seem expensive to some and cheap to the rest , in the end their benefits will come as invaluable to all . Chlorine Tablets  can be described as having the dominion over the wealth of people in the way that it treats and eliminates  the cause of expensive bills that people have to pay using their hard earned money . The same can be rightly said for bleaching powder as it is used in large quantities in swimming pools so that it can put a stop to the harmful infections that spread in the pool from people who enter it without taking proper precautions as simple as taking a shower with soap  .

The spread of Corona Virus could never have affected so many people if proper / fundamental had been inculcated in people from the very start such as the use of Water Purification Tablets not only during the times of a pandemic / epidemic , but also in everyday life . Hence an important lesson learnt from the current problem would be to change many small habits in our daily life style . One would be the use of Drinking water purification tablets and it should be the duty of all the Chlorine Tablet Suppliers to provide adequate amount of the same at an affordable price so that humanity can benefit from this  . 


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